Friday, December 28, 2012

Might try this sometime.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My husband has used the liver/gall bladder flush several times this year. We are hoping that by doing this maintenance program, he will be able to avoid having gallbladder surgery in the future. He has a fatty liver so this cleanse we are hoping will help eliminate that. Will keep you posted on how this works for him.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Busy week is now finished.  Looking forward to the week ahead. Lots to do and much to accomplish. I have shared LOTS of great health links on the facebook page, but haven't gotten them to the blog yet. If you haven't LIKED our facebook page, please do!

Friday, December 14, 2012

So sad about the school shooting in Connecticut. All the more reason to raise our children responsibly and tell them every day that we love them. I am glad that we have chosen to home school, but realize that is not an option for everyone. I also appreciate that we can train up our children to love God and live by His laws so they will chose to walk in His ways. I do not think a child taught to have a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would ever do such a horrendous thing as this young man did. Asking God to comfort those who have lost loved ones and those who witnessed this.

It is a pretty cold day here, so using the wood stove. Thought I would share with our readers some ideas regarding firewood.  We have been getting our wood from a sawmill that is about 8 miles from us. They cut the ends into firewood lengths and dump them into piles that you have to sort through. It is about $20 for a pickup load, which is less expensive for us than going up into the woods with fuel cost so high. Also, we can usually get 2-3 loads a day. We have been purchasing fire starter logs that have paraffin but today discussed using kindling as the door to the storage area where we store them was frozen shut. We haven't had to chop wood since it is cut into the right lengths for us already, so have gotten away from chopping kindling.  Sustainable choice for us will add chopping our kindling and saving $$ by not buying pre-made starter blocks that say avoid breathing (not healthy).
Woke to two of our family with sore throats so making hot lemon water with honey and this time I will add some ginger to it. Also, zinc is supposed to be the best for nipping things like this in the bud. Anyone know the best food sources of zinc?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

One of the blog sites that have really inspired me.

Years ago, I used to get this newsletter called The Tightwad Gazette. I saved them and intend to pull them out of storage and put some of the ideas she gave on the blog as well.

I use mostly whole wheat flour that I grind myself, so I am not sure how this recipe will work with whole wheat.

I haven't tried this yet but plan to order vanilla beans from Mountain Rose Herbs so I can.

We love learning, and we are excited to learn how to use this blog as a way to share what we have learned. We have so many exciting things that we plan to do with this, including blogging about gardening, homeschooling, canning, hunting, trapping, drying food, herbs and their uses and how to tincture, making jams and jellies, bread making, candle making, soap making, quilting, sewing, raising a back yard chicken flock, cooking from scratch and many more things. We hope to share recipes and frugal living tips. There are many things we can learn from each other, so feel free to add your positive comments and suggestions. 
Sustainably Yours Truly 
For many years our family has been growing in our knowledge of healthy sustainable choices, and putting them into practice in our lives. Each of our foundations in this began years ago when our parents began passing on these skills to us while we were still children. It is our responsibility to pass them on to the next generation or this knowledge may be lost.