Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dealing with possible kidney stones, so putting into practice what I have learned from past experience. I purchased extra bags of cranberries at Thanksgiving time and put them in the freezer, so now I have them when I need them. I cooked some with honey and have been drinking this juice yesterday evening and will today as well. I also have some kidney tea that is full of herbs that are supposed to break up and help stones pass. I will try to post the list of what is in that. We also purchased a large ginger root last night and will grate and boil that. I feel a lot better this morning but have a plan in case it starts hurting again. I have been drinking coffee (organic from Costco) and I think that is causing the stones to form. I read in Hulda Clark's book "Cure for all Disease" that black tea, coffee and hot chocolate can cause kidney stones to form in just one day after a cleanse. It has been quite a while since I have done a kidney cleanse and I suppose the results of the last few months of enjoying coffee is catching up with me. I will be drinking LOTS of water today, and also, I have Kambucha tea.  I haven't tried this with kidney stones so we will see if that helps.

Have lots to do today and can't afford to be under the weather.


1 comment:

  1. Averted the kidney stone disaster with the homemade cranberry juice and making a small amount of ginger tea, then got some rest. Felt better in the morning.
